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arquivo - FMI - Max. wind velocity P

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dia mês ano
Qua 25.09 20 UTC

Max. wind velocity FMI Modelo


FMI (Hirlam Model from finnish meteorological institute)

4 times per day, from 08:00, 14:00, 20:00, and 00:00 UTC
Greenwich Mean Time:
12:00 UTC = 12:00 WET
0.068025° x 0.068025°
Maximum wind velocity of convective wind gusts
The method of Ivens (1987) is used by the forecasters at KNMI to predict the maximum wind velocity associated with heavy showers or thunderstorms. The method of Ivens is based on two multiple regression equations that were derived using about 120 summertime cases (April to September) between 1980 and 1983. The upper-air data were derived from the soundings at De Bilt, and observations of thunder by synop stations were used as an indicator of the presence of convection. The regression equations for the maximum wind velocity (wmax ) in m/s according to Ivens (1987) are:
  • if Tx - θw850 < 9°C
    wmax = 7.66 + 0.653⋅(θw850 - θw500 ) + 0.976⋅U850
  • if Tx - θw850 ≥ 9° C
  • wmax = 8.17 + 0.473⋅(θw850 - θw500 ) + (0.174⋅U850 + 0.057⋅U250)⋅√(Tx - θw850)

  • Tx is the maximum day-time temperature at 2 m in K
  • θwxxx the potential wet-bulb temperature at xxx hPa in K
  • Uxxx the wind velocity at xxx hPa in m/s.
The amount of negative buoyancy, which is estimated in these equations by the difference of the potential wet-bulb temperature at 850 and at 500 hPa, and horizontal wind velocities at one or two fixed altitudes are used to estimate the maximum wind velocity. The effect of precipitation loading is not taken into account by the method of Ivens. (Source: KNMI)
At the Finnish Meteorological Institute, results from several numerical weather prediction models are utilized. Most of all, these include products from the European Centre of Medium Range Forecasts (ECMWF), located in Reading in the United Kingdom. For shorter range forecasts, more detailed forecasts are produced in-house using a limited area models (LAMs) called HIRLAM and HARMONIE, which are being developed by FMI as an international co-operation programme with a number of European countries.
A previsão numérica do tempo usa o estado instantâneo da atmosfera como dados de entrada para modelos matemáticos da atmosfera, com vista à previsão do estado do tempo.
Apesar dos primeiros esforços para conseguir prever o tempo tivessem sido dados na década de 1920, foi apenas com o advento da era dos computadores que foi possível realizá-lo em tempo real. A manipulação de grandes conjuntos de dados e a realização de cálculos complexos para o conseguir com uma resolução suficientemente elevada para produzir resultados úteis requer o uso dos supercomputadores mais potentes do mundo. Um conjunto de modelos de previsão, quer à escala global quer à escala regional, são executados para criar previsões do tempo nacionais. O uso de previsões com modelos semelhantes ("model ensembles") ajuda a definir a incerteza da previsão e estender a previsão do tempo bastante mais no futuro, o que não seria possível conseguir de outro modo.

Contribuidores da Wikipédia, "Previsão numérica do tempo," Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre, (accessed fevereiro 9, 2010).

These charts are for guidance only, actually gusts may be considerably higher than those shown.

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